Orders & Shipping

This question varies depending on the type of product ordered. Many items are held in stock while others are printed on demand. Most products can be expected to be delivered within 3-5 business days, but product availability and other variables could affect this. If you have a question on a specific product's availability and turnaround time, please don't hesitate to email us at support@officialusadrinkingteam.com.

Absolutely! Upon completion of your order you will be sent an email confirmation with a link to your order status page. Once the item(s) is shipped, you will receive an additional email with a link to track your package. If you have any problems with the tracking link, please don't hesitate to email us at support@officialusadrinkingteam.com. Please note that once the item leaves our warehouse, the customer is responsible for working with the carrier. Even so, we are happy to assist and help in any way we can.

We work to process orders as quickly as possible in an effort to ensure the fastest delivery possible. If your order has not started processing, we will do our best to accommodate all update requests including size changes, address changes or order cancellations. Once your order has gone into a processing queue with our distribution center, we cannot make any changes.

Please check all information very carefully before placing your order. If you discover a mistake with your address please contact us ASAP so that we can make any necessary corrections to your order.

We charge a standard flat rate of $4.99 for shipping. Unfortunately, we only offer 2-3 day shipping options at this time. If an item is needed in an urgent manner, please send us an email at support@officialusadrinkingteam.com and we will do our best to accomodate your request.

This is usually a result of an incorrect address provided at checkout. If your item is returned to sender you will receive an email from our customer support team when the item arrives back at our warehouse. 

Returns & exchanges

For more information on our return/exchange policy please click HERE


We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Paypal and USA Drinking Team gift cards offered on our site. We cannot split payments between credit cards. We do not accept cash, check, Venmo, Amazon Pay or money orders at this time. Please note orders are subject to review. 

All discount codes can be entered on the checkout page.

Contact Us

For general inquiries, please email support@officialusadrinkingteam.com or click HERE. We take pride in our products and strive to offer the best customer service possible. Please allow up to 24 hour to receive a reply, however responses are normally much faster.

Please note: If you are contacting us about an existing order please include your name, email address and order number.